Celebrate Recovery

Meets weekly on Thursday in the Family Life Center at 6 pm.
Contact Jim Collins (903) 360-2054 or
Gary Owens (903) 603-4102
Contact Jim Collins (903) 360-2054 or
Gary Owens (903) 603-4102
12 Steps of Recovery Class now being offered.
Now offering the 12 Steps of Recovery Class on Wednesday evenings at beginning at 6 pm starting on February 12. Open for the next couple of weeks in the Wesley Fellowship and Covenant classrooms. This program is not only for chemical dependency but for grief strained relationships of any kind, retirement or loss of job, and anything that causes you stress and anxiety. To sign up call the church office or text Shirley Murray at 903-570-6434. Even if you cannot make the first couple of meetings please sign up.
God's Open Hands

Our church supports the community food pantry and thrift store financially and with volunteers.
The food pantry is located at 510 N. Third Street - Old Youth/Scout Wing and is open on the first and second Tuesday from 9-12:45.
The thrift store is located at 501 N. Second Street - Old Office/Scout Hut every Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.