Sunday School Classes Heritage Hall Building & Sanctuary Building
Bring the Love - Chris Fredrick, Teacher - Approximate ages 50-80's; Parlor (9:30 am)
Seeds and Matches - All ages, Bible Study Advent Study through December, Conference Room, (9:40 am)
Wesley Fellowship Class - Robert Callaway, Lead Teacher - Approximate age 60+, Topical Bible Study, Heritage Building - Wesley Fellowship Room (9:45 am)
Covenant : - Approximate age 65+, Adult Bible Series
Heritage Building - Covenant Room (9:45 am)
Seeds and Matches - All ages, Bible Study Advent Study through December, Conference Room, (9:40 am)
Wesley Fellowship Class - Robert Callaway, Lead Teacher - Approximate age 60+, Topical Bible Study, Heritage Building - Wesley Fellowship Room (9:45 am)
Covenant : - Approximate age 65+, Adult Bible Series
Heritage Building - Covenant Room (9:45 am)
10:45 Sunday School Classes Family Life Center
New Life Class - Becky Callaway, Teacher - Approximate age 40-65, Study Current Events & the Bible, FLC West Room 107
Men's Groups
Men's Bible Study - 6:30 pm for Study, Prayer, Fellowship and Community, Parlor
Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast- Dairy Queen at 7 am
Methodist Men - 3rd Sunday of the month, 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Prayer, Fellowship and Mission Projects
Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast- Dairy Queen at 7 am
Methodist Men - 3rd Sunday of the month, 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Prayer, Fellowship and Mission Projects
Women's Groups
Ladies Monday Morning Bible Study - 10 am for Study, Prayer, Fellowship and Community.
Studying the book of Hebrews beginning January 8th.
First Methodist Women's Ministry - 3rd Sunday of the Month for Fellowship, Growth, Mission Projects meeting in the Children's Gathering Area, Family Life Center.
Studying the book of Hebrews beginning January 8th.
First Methodist Women's Ministry - 3rd Sunday of the Month for Fellowship, Growth, Mission Projects meeting in the Children's Gathering Area, Family Life Center.
Stretch Yoga - Monday morning from 9-9:45 am in Heritage Hall.
Cruise-in for Christ
Cruise-in for Christ will resume meeting again in March 2024.
Worship and Prayer
Gathering for a time of Worship and Prayer each Monday beginning at 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Please come and join in this special time.